begin to wonder

美 [bɪˈɡɪn tu ˈwʌndər]英 [bɪˈɡɪn tu ˈwʌndə(r)]
  • 开始纳闷儿
begin to wonderbegin to wonder
  1. People are gonna begin to wonder if you really want to wear it .


  2. However , I did begin to wonder what had driven me here ,


  3. Then two months into the semester , you begin to wonder why everything tastes so bad .


  4. You may even begin to wonder if it matters that you exist in the relationship , as you have no voice .


  5. you begin to wonder whose beliefs are those that are in operation in the world , determining how things happen .


  6. You begin to wonder why in the world you 're running , swimming or pedaling so hard .


  7. But I begin to wonder about this Edwards .


  8. If I do that many times in a row , I begin to wonder if I should look for a new line of work .


  9. They begin to wonder if they are doing the wrong thing by letting their daughter make her own choices .


  10. In fact , they use this excuse so often that you begin to wonder : Are they really so forgetful ?


  11. People begin to wonder why a years education graduate student does not have the ability of creation and can only repeat the words you say .


  12. You begin to wonder whether there are instructions from FIFA and the referees association to make sure that certain teams are given more favorable decisions than others .


  13. You may begin to wonder if there 's a way to provide cached , local copies of the referenced pieces of content or another way to circumvent the entity-resolution process .


  14. Watch the parade of chief executives who appear on CNBC every day , or drop in to a high-powered conference , and you begin to wonder whether cloning is more advanced than scientists are letting on .


  15. At first , the college dining halls seem like a dream . The first day the utensils seemingly sparkle , the food tastes delicious and you feel like you don 't ever want to leave . Then two months into the semester , you begin to wonder why everything tastes so bad .


  16. After a period of steady use , however , he will begin to see them , wonder about their meaning , and experimentally explore them .
